Seven Paths to Peace-Week II-Being in the Field of  Ever-expanding Good!

Week II- I Live, Breathe & have my Being in the Field of  Ever-expanding Good!


Out beyond ideas of right & wrong there is a field, I will meet you there. And when the soul lies down in that field, the world is too big for words. Rumi


All great teachings deliver this same affirmative view of the opportunity to Life; rich, boundless, & freely given. It is here that we may now take up residence, as we release the thinking mind of right & wrong and allow ourselves to simply be.

 The 23rd Psalms delivers a similar message:

The Lord, the great Law of Life, is my Shepard, I shall not want. It (the great Law of Life) maketh me to lie down in green pastures, it leadeth me beside the still waters, it restoreth my soul.

Practice: Visions in the Field

 Upon awakening, take three long, deep breaths in and out. Allow your thinking mind to settle on the words,

All is Well, flowing into I Live, Breathe & have my Being in the Field of Ever-expanding Good!

Continue to breathe deep and slow as you rise from bed. If your thoughts wander or begin to project forward into your day, take another breath and return to the thought, All is Well, flowing into I Live, Breathe & have my Being in the Field of Ever-expanding Good!

 Once you have taken care of your initial daily needs, pause in the quiet of your room, or outside in the fresh air and extend your arms in front of your chest. As you draw your hands in to touch your heart, draw in a long, deep breath through your nose.

Then slowly extend your hands and arms back out from your heart as you exhale through your mouth, making the sound, ah-h-h.  Once again draw the hands to your heart as you inhale again through your nose.  Exhale as you extend your hands out again, releasing ah-h-h through your mouth.

Repeat this at least seven times, feeling your breath fully oxygenating your entire cellular make- up. On your next inhale, pause and allow yourself to feel this space of “no breath”. Having fully charged your cells with oxygen, you are in the “breathless” state. Not holding your breath, just pausing in this breathless place. Notice the exhilarating tingling in your fingers and toes. When you feel ready, gently exhale through your mouth, releasing the wound of ah-h-h. Again pause at the completion of your exhale to again enjoy the breathless state. When you feel the natural return of breath you may repeat the cycle again, ending with

All is Well, flowing into I Live, Breathe & have my Being in the Field of Ever-expanding Good!

 Having anchored the breath, now find a comfortable place to sit.

Allow your spine to rise up, your head to rest gently at this apex.

Continue to take slow, easy breaths in and out as you find this relaxed place to sitting.

Notice the muscles of your back, relax them.

Notice the muscles of your neck, relax them.

Notice the muscles of your head and face, relax them.

Breathe in relaxation in three deep, slow inhalations and gentle exhalations.

Your mind is centered and still.

Your breath is centered and peaceful.

Gently bring into your inner vision, this Field of Ever-Expanding Good. Lie down in the green grass, gazing across the sparkling still waters of a lake that seems to go on forever.

Allow yourself to become fully immersed in the feeling tone of this Field.

Now you may begin your daily activities.

Hold these words precious as your passage into the Field.

I Live, Breathe & have my Being in the Field of Ever-expanding Good!


 The Field of Ever-expanding Good moves out from me in every direction.

There is no beginning and there is no end to this

Field of Love, Joy, Peace & Beauty!

I Live, Breathe & have my Being in the Field of

Ever-expanding Good!

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