Week III-The Feelings of Joy, Love, Beauty & Peace move through me like a current!
“Let your light so shine before men that they, seeing your good works, shall glorify your Father which art in Heaven.” Matthew 5:16
We live in a vibrational Universe. Science confirms what mystics have told us from the beginning. Maintaining our residence in the Field of Ever-expanding Good, Heaven, is accomplished by maintaining a vibratory resonance with the qualities of Joy, Love, Beauty & Peace.
When this current is freely flowing & moving through us, it is as real as the currents of electricity that light a light bulb. While we cannot see the electricity, the evidence of its presence is unmistakable as the light shines out into our world, illuminating & dispelling darkness in every corner.
The very same principle exists within us as we allow the feeling current of Joy, Love, Beauty & Peace to flow with ease. This current lights us up & our light shines into the world, creating our personal Heaven on Earth. Heaven is right here, right now, within each & every person. Any delay in the experience of our heaven is simply a self-imposed delay in our allowing the Free-flow of this current within us.
Feeling Joy, Beauty, Love & Peace establishes this current at the very center of your Being. Now you are thinking, speaking & acting with a current of Joy, Love, Beauty & Peace vibrating throughout.
As you feel these transcendent qualities, they become the very essence of your Being. You become Joy. You become Beauty. You become Love. You become Peace.
Practice: Currents of Joy, Love, Beauty & Peace
Upon awakening, take three long, deep breaths in & out. Allow your thinking mind to settle on the words,
All is Well, flowing into I Live, Breathe & have my Being in the Field of Ever-expanding Good, flowing into Feelings of Joy, Love, Beauty & Peace move through me like a current.
Continue to breathe deep & slow as you rise from bed. If your thoughts wander or begin to project forward into your day, take another breath & return to the thought, All is Well, flowing into I Live, Breathe & have my Being in the Field of Ever-expanding Good, flowing into Feelings of Joy, Love, Beauty & Peace move through me like a current.
Once you have taken care of your initial daily needs, pause in the quiet of your room, or outside in the fresh air and repeat your Breathing practice at least seven times, feeling your breath fully oxygenating your entire cellular make- up & ending with All is Well flowing into I Live, Breathe & have my Being in the Field of Ever-expanding Good, flowing into Feelings of Joy, Love, Beauty & Peace move through me like a current.
Having anchored the breath, now find a comfortable place to sit.
Allow your spine to rise up, your head to rest gently at this apex.
Continue to take slow, easy breaths in & out as you find this relaxed place to sitting, allowing relaxation to move through you.
Breathe in relaxation in three deep, slow inhalations & gentle exhalations.
Your mind is centered & still.
Your breath is centered & peaceful.
Feel the Life current of Universal Life Energy moving through you. Experience this current of energy as Joy.
Smile, feeling your heart expand as you feel this current moving out from your heart as Love.
Bathe in the feeling of Beauty that washes over you bringing you into a deep & abiding feeling of Peace.
Relax fully into this feeling tone.
Now you may begin your daily activities.
During the course of the day, pause frequently to notice the deep feeling of Joy, Love, Beauty & Peace that accompany you.
Joy, Love, Beauty & Peace move through me like a current.
Feeling the vibrancy of my Being,
I explore Life with renewed enthusiasm & wonder!
I shine!
Feelings of Joy, Love, Beauty & Peace move through me like a current!