Seven Paths to Peace Week VI: My eye is single, my ears are tuned & I sing the celestial song!

Week VI:  My eye is single, my ears are tuned & I sing the celestial song!


“The lamp of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.” Matthew 6:22

“Having eyes, do you not see. And having ears, do you not hear? And do you not remember…?” Mark 8:18


Opening our eyes to perception and our ears to understanding, we engage Life to its fullest. No longer deceived by the apparent circumstances and situations, we gaze deeper, lifting the veil of our limited thinking mind and listen calmly for the understanding and guidance of our Source. Knowing that all of Life is singing our song, we tune to those vibrations and join the chorus. Life is good! A Celestial song of Love without end!

Practice: Anchoring Breath: Upon awakening, take three long, deep breaths in and out. Allow your thinking mind to settle on the words,

All is Well, flowing into I Live, Breathe & have my Being in the Field of Ever-expanding Good, flowing into Feelings of Joy, Love, Beauty & Peace move through me like a current, flowing into My Heart is Overflowing with Love, flowing into I Lift up my Voice in Thanksgiving,  flowing into My eye is single, my ears are tuned & I sing the celestial song!

Continue to breathe deep and slow as you rise from bed. If your thoughts wander or begin to project forward into your day, take another breath & return to the thought,

All is Well, flowing into I Live, Breathe & have my Being in the Field of Ever-expanding Good, flowing into Feelings of Joy, Love, Beauty & Peace move through me like a current, flowing into My Heart is Overflowing with Love, flowing into I Lift up my Voice in Thanksgiving, flowing into My eye is single, my ears are tuned & I sing the celestial song!

Once you have taken care of your initial daily needs, pause in the quiet of your room, or outside in the fresh air and repeat your Breathing practice at least seven times, feeling your breath fully oxygenating your entire cellular make-up, always completing the circle of breath with

All is Well, flowing into I Live, Breathe & have my Being in the Field of Ever-expanding Good, flowing into Feelings of Joy, Love, Beauty & Peace move through me like a current, flowing into My Heart is Overflowing with Love, flowing into I Lift up my Voice in Thanksgiving, flowing into My eye is single, my hears are tuned & I sing the celestial song!

Having anchored the breath, now find a comfortable place to sit.

Allow your spine to rise up, your head to rest gently at this apex.

Continue to take slow, easy breaths in & out as you find this relaxed place of sitting, allowing relaxation to move through you.

Breathe in relaxation, taking three deep, slow inhalations & gentle exhalations.

Your mind is centered & still.

Your breath is calm & peaceful.

Feel Love wash over you.

Your heart is overflowing with this Love.

Allow Gratitude to be given voice.

Feel Clarity anchor within, as you Sing the Celestial song.

Now you may begin your daily activities.  Observe your responses to the world around you. Remove all filters from your eyes & ears, tuning to the  Celestial song of Creation!


The melody of Love permeates every fiber of my Being.

I joyously sing and dance with the Master conductor to the Celestial song that knows no end.

My eye is single, my ears are tuned & I sing the celestial song!




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