While many of us have grown up hearing and using the word “coincidence” as if it meant some act of happenstance, an accidental occurrence, a strange & often humorous random act; in actuality, we now know through the work of Quantum physics, that there are no random acts in this universe, no mistakes, no accidents. In fact, the following definitions state this Universal Truth quite nicely.
- noun: the quality of occupying the same position or area in space
- noun: the temporal property of two things happening at the same time
So today I want to begin a story that unfolds a mighty series of Co-Incidences in the life of Special Delivery Baby Hammock. What began as a vision to provide local employment, here in Hawaii, for Mothers to make our hammocks, enlarged some time ago to include opportunity for women around the world.
Coincidence #1: Two dear friends, ushered off of our island by Pele, re-located in a Poblado or village in Baja California, Mexico. They had invited me to come visit and I had shared with them my dream and expressed the vision of finding a seamstress there to join forces with me.
Not until I arrived did I discover that their Poblado was La Mision, Spanish for The Mission! What a beautiful coincidence!!
Coincidence #2:Arriving in the late afternoon, the next morning they asked if I would like to meet Rosa, a local seamstress! She herself had returned to La Mision with her own “mission”, which you can read about in our About section under One Mother to Another.
We met and the connection was unmistakable! Two seamstresses occupying the same area in space…coincidence!!

Coincidence #3: The following day, my friend Barbara took me to the main offices; a small house on a dusty road, recently acquired by a newly founded organization; Mujeres para Mujeres, Women for Women.
Here I met Carol, a founding member, who shared the vision for Mujeres para Mujeres, which included creating sewing opportunities for women. Now that’s a 3 way Co-incidence!!

Coincidence #4: Returning home by way of Seattle I stayed with a high school girl friend who invited me to check out her sewing room. Bolts of cotton fabric lined the walls and a clothes rack was full to capacity of little dresses and skirts from 6 month to 2T. All of this was “looking for a home” she explained.
Boxed and now in La Mision! Coincidence in the making!

Coincidences happen…often…abundantly and progressively. What Joy!!
As all things in a progressive, ever-evolving Universe…this story will continue to unfold!! And I will share it right here as it does, so stay-tuned!!
Peace & Blessings,
Dr. Patricia