Each Friday I will post the new “Path to Peace”, inviting you to enter into this profound experience of deepening your connection to Universal Intelligence, Divine Mother and YOU!
” All this universe has the Supreme Deity for its life. That Deity is Truth. He is the Universal Soul.” Chhandogys Upanishad
The Truth be told
The Universe is a mystical display
A story of creation
In each and every day
The Truth be told
All life is grand, with nothing out of place
Each opening bud, each buzzing bee
Announces perfect grace
The Truth be told
We chose to come and weave our story in
Enthusiasm pulls us
The time is Now, begin
The Truth be told
We’re wonderful, we’re love right to our core
Magnificence in motion
Unique forever more
The Truth be told
The Source of All, the Universal Soul
Is Truth wrapped in a heart of Love
Embodied, ever-Whole
It Is So and So It Is
So Be It
Peace & Blessings, Dr. Patricia